This year, the CMR decided to highlight research done by its valuable Research Associates at the annual Research Symposium.

This event was held on Friday, 16 November, at the North Campus Conference Centre, and the venue was filled to capacity. Dr David Kaplan (Assocaite Researcher at the IRD, France) was welcomed as the CMR's guest international plenary speaker. In total, fifteen researchers linked to the CMR shared aspects of their marine research with the audience. Professor Jean Greyling, an Associate Professor in the Nelson Mandela University Computing Sciences Department, launched a mobile app and boardgame entitled BOATS at the Symposium. This initiative teaches kids about plastics in the ocean.  The app is downloadable for free from the Google Play Store, but the boardgame was for sale at the Symposium at a reduced rate. All the proceeds were donated to SANCCOB. The CMR was pleased to give Prof. Greyling's team the platform to launch this exciting development.The second session focused on the Algoa Bay Communities of Practice Project, followed by a stakeholder working lunch session. The CMR also hosted a specific Nelson Mandela Bay Maritime Cluster side-event as part of the day's programme. Following the talks and sessions, CMR members were welcomed to a cheese and wine function to conclude CMR public events for 2018.

The booklet of abstracts with the full programme is available for download from the sidebar. The CMR thanks everyone that played a part in the success of this event!

Due to copyright, the CMR can unfortunately not make presentations available for download. Below are the contact details for the presenters - please feel free to contact them directly for any queries regarding the presentations. 

Dr David Kaplan:
Dr Eckart Schumann:
Dr Margaux Noyon:
Prof. Jean Greyling:
Prof. Rosie Dorrington:
Ms Bracken van Niekier:
Prof. Tommy Bornman:
Dr Shirley Parker-Nance:
Dr Lorien Pichegru:
Mr Maelle Connan: 
Dr Greg Hofmeyr:
Dr Andrea Thiebault:
Prof. Guy Bate:
Mrs Zanele Hartmann:
Dr Taryn Riddin:



















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