field research


The CMR Confidential Report Series has a restricted distribution. However, if you are interested in one of these reports, feel free to email us for further information.

C156 NEL, R. & WINTER, D. 2008. 2011. Finfish outgrowing in sea-cages near Port Elizabeth Harbour. Environmental Monitoring Programme Report No. 5: September 2011. Prepared for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, with copy to Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C156. 50pp.

C155 NEL, R. & WINTER, D. 2008. Finfish outgrowing in sea-cages near Port Elizabeth Harbour. Environmental Monitoring Programme Report No. 4: November 2009. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, with copies to the Directorate of Marine and Coastal Management, and Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C155. 33pp.

C154 NEL, R. & WINTER, D. 2009. Finfish outgrowing in sea-cages near Port Elizabeth Harbour. Environmental Monitoring Programme Report No. 3: May 2009. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, with copies to the Directorate of Marine and Coastal Management, and Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C154. 22 pp.

C153 NEL, R. & WINTER, D. 2008. Finfish outgrowing in sea-cages near Port Elizabeth Harbour. Environmental Monitoring Programme Half Year Report 2: December 2008. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, with copies to the Directorate of Marine and Coastal Management, and Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C153. 22 pp.

C152 NEL, R., Winter, D., Joubert, C. & Bezuidenhout, K. 2008. Environmental Monitoring Programme Half Year Report 1. Pilot of finfish in sea-cages near Port Elizabeth Harbour. Prepared for Marine and Coastal Management, and Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C152. 25pp.

C151 ADAMS, J.B., WOOLDRIDGE, T., COWLEY, P., SNOW, G.C., STRYDOM, N., TALJAARD, S., VAN NIEKERK, L., WHITFIELD, A.K. & WHITTINGTON, P. 2008. The Sundays Estuary – Ecospecs and monitoring. Report prepared for SANParks by the IECM of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C151. 23 pp.

C150 ADAMS, J.B., WOOLDRIDGE, T., COWLEY, P., SNOW, G.C., STRYDOM, N., TALJAARD, S., VAN NIEKERK, L., WHITFIELD, A.K. & WHITTINGTON, P. 2008. Ecological Water Requirements study, Intermediate level, Sundays Estuary. Report prepared for SANParks by the IECM of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C150. 115 pp + Appendices.

C149 CAMPBELL, E.E. & DU PREEZ, D.R. 2008. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme – 2007-2008. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C149. 55 pp.

C148 DU PREEZ, D.R. & CAMPBELL, E.E. 2007. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme. Winter 2007. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C148. 34 pp.

C146 BORNMAN, T.G. 2007. Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. August 2007 survey. Prepared for National Ports Authority. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. IECM Report No. C146. 29 pp.

C145 BORNMAN, T.G. 2007. Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. February 2007 survey. Prepared for National Ports Authority. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. IECM Report No. C145. 27 pp.

C144 BORNMAN, T.G. 2006. Reports on seawater quality in the Port of Mossel Bay, October 2006. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. IECM Report No. C144. 37 pp.

C142 WINTER, D. 2006. Environmental Monitoring Programme pertaining to the proposed ongrowing of finfish in sea-cages near the Port Elizabeth Harbour. Prepared for Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C142. 13 pp.

C141 WINTER, D. 2006. Environmental Risk Assessment pertaining to the proposed ongrowing of finfish in sea-cages near the Port Elizabeth Harbour. Prepared for Irvin and Johnson Limited. IECM Report No. C141. 31 pp.

C140 WHITTINGTON, PA & KLAGES, NTW. 2006. Tourism options for the Alexandria dunefield and beach: Limiting impacts on breeding and resident avifauna. Prepared for South African National Parks. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C140. 43 pp.

C139 WHITTINGTON, PA & KLAGES, NTW. 2006. Impact of tourist helicopter flights on the bird island avifauna. Prepared for South African National Parks. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C139. 27 pp.

C138 KLAGES, NTW, CAMPBELL EE & STEYN P-P. 2006. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme. Summer 2005/2006. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C138. 41 pp.

C137 Klages, NTW. 2006. Reports on seawater quality in the Port of Mossel Bay. Prepared for National Ports Authority, Mossel Bay. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C136. 20 pp.

C136 KLAGES, NTW. 2006. Methods of seawater analyses used in water quality monitoring of the Port of Mossel Bay. Prepared for National Ports Authority, Mossel Bay. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C136. 24 pp.

C135 BORNMAN, TG & STEYN, P-P. 2006. Baseline vegetation assessment of the Geelhoutboom development, George. Prepared for Chris Mulder & Associates Inc. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C135. 52 pp.

C134 KLAGES, NTW & WHITTINGTON, PA. 2006. Threats to coastal seabirds of the Greater Addo Elephant National Park and their mitigation. Prepared for South African National Parks. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C134. 43 pp.

C133 KLAGES, NTW & WHITTINGTON, PA. 2006. Seabird Monitoring Guidelines for Algoa Bay. Prepared for South African National Parks. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C133. 30 pp.

C132 SCHAEL, D. 2005. SASS5 assessment of Coega River health. Prepared for Bohlweki Environmental (Pty) Ltd. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C132. 11 pp.

C131 Bornman, T.G. 2005. Environmental Assessment of Wetlands, Drainage Lines and Trees on Erf 12403, Knysna. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. IECM Report No. C131. 16pp.

C130 KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Gqunube Valley Eco Golf Resort Environmental Impact Assessment: Options for the enhancement of STEP network functioning. Prepared for Billion and Arcus Gibb. IECM Report C130: 10 pp.

C129 BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Rezoning of Erven 1617 and 1618, Colchester Baseline specialist study: Estuarine Environment. Prepared for Geological and Environmental Services. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C129. 34 pp.

C128 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN TG. 2005. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme. Winter 2005. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C128. 36 pp.

C127 BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Baseline vegetation assessment of the George Rex Development, Knysna. Integrated Environmental & Coastal Management Report C129. 38 pp.

C126 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Review of the proposed Ingleside development. Prepared for Mackay Bridge Farm cc. IECM Report C126. 9 pp.

C125 KLAGES, NTW & STEYN, P-P. 2005. Madiba Bay Leisure Park Environmental Impact Assessment: Marine and Intertidal Ecological Assessment. Specialist Report prepared for Coastal and Environmental Services. IECM Report C125. 49 pp.

C124 KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Environmental report on the subdivision of ERF 3551, Gonubie. Prepared for Phomela Properties (Pty) Ltd. IECM Report C124. 12 pp.

C123 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Mitigation of impacts during and rehabilitation after gravel mining in the bed of the Swartkops River at Perseverance. Prepared for Deranco Paving (Pty) Ltd. IECM Report C124. 28 pp.

C122 BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Wetland assessment of Kurland, Plettenberg Bay. Prepared for Chris Mulder & Associates Inc. IECM Report No. C122. 42 pp.

C121 KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Ecological Assessment of Laguna Views (Portion 6 of the Farm 328 Kabeljouws River). Prepared for MPM Environmental Consultants. IECM Report No. C121. 21 pp.

C120 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Environmental audit of Pinnacle Point Beach and Golf Club, Mossel Bay. Prepared for Pinnacle Point Beach and Golf Club. IECM Report C120: 1-62.

C119 BORNMAN, TG & ADAMS, JB. 2005. Environmental audit of Pezula Private Estate. Year 2. Prepared for Pezula Private Estate. IECM Report C119: 1-51.

C118 KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Review of Scoping Report for Nieu Bethesda Solid Waste Disposal sites. Prepared for Ivo Huisamen & Assoc. cc. Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers. IECM Report C118: 1-4.

C117 KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Review of Scoping Process for Boat Launching site Central Beach, Plettenberg Bay. Prepared for Bietou Municipality. IECM Report C117: 1-4.

C116 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Ecological assessment of Portion A of the Farm 328 Kabeljouws River. Prepared for MPM Environmental Consultants. IECM Report C116: 1-15.

C115 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2005. Ecological assessment of Erf 407, Paradise Beach, Kouga Municipality. Prepared for MPM Environmental Consultants. IECM Report C115: 1-27.

C114 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme. Annual Report 2004-2005. Prepared for National Ports Authority. IECM Report C114: 1-85.

C113 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Gqunubie Valley Golf Estate. Limited Strategic Environmental Assessment. Desalination as an option of addressing the water needs. Prepared for Arcus Gibb (Pty) Ltd. pp 28.

C112 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2005. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme. Interim report for 2004. Prepared for National Ports Authority. pp 7.

C111 BORNMAN, TG, KLAGES, NTW & LOGIE, C. 2004. St Francis Golfing Estate. I. Development setback lines. II. Perimeter fence design and wildlife corridors. III. Ecology of the Eco-Village site. Prepared for SRK Consulting. 28 pp.

C110 BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Review of the Stilbaai Dunes project. Prepared for the Western Cape Provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. 6 pp.

C109 KLAGES, NTW, BORNMAN, TG & STEYN, P. 2004. Proposed construction of a public coastal walkway along the De Bakke and Santos land parcels in Mossel Bay. Prepared for SRK Consulting. 54 pp.

C108 BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Ecological pre-feasibility assessment for the proposed development of Ganse Valley 444 & 305, Plettenbeg Bay. Prepared for Felehetsa Environmental. 11 pp.

C107 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Environmental Management Programme for boat launch sites in the Kouga Municipality. Prepared for Kouga Municipality. 9 pp.

C106 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2004. Ecological pre-feasibility study of the establishment of a desalination plant at Plettenberg Bay. Prepared for True Motives. 79 pp.

C105 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2004. Ecological pre-feasibility study of the establishment of a desalination plant at Knysna. Prepared for Chris Mulder & Associates Inc. 87 pp.

C104 KLAGES, NTW. 2004. Environmental review of scoping and viability studies for tourism projects in the Coffee Bay and Hole-in-the-Wall area. Prepared for East Cape Development Corporation. 27 pp.

C103 BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Methods of seawater analyses used in the water quality monitoring of the Port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 28 pp.

C102 KLAGES, NTW. 2004. SAMREC Architect brief. Prepared for SA Marine Rehabilitation and Education Centre Trust. 54 pp.

C101 BORNMAN, TG & ADAMS, J. 2004. Environmental audit of Pezula Private Estate, Knysna. Prepared for Pezula Private Estate. 35 pp.

C100 KLAGES, NTW, BORNMAN, TG, CAMPBELL, EE, SCHOEMAN, D & WOOLDRIDGE, T. 2004. Biomonitoring plan for the aquatic environmental impacts associated with the construction of Berth 306 Richards Bay. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 20 pp.

C99 BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Vegetation survey of the wetland component of the proposed Hanglip development. Prepared for Chris Mulder Associates, Knysna. 25 pp.

C98 KLAGES, NTW. 2004 Assessment of environmental issues pertaining to the development of Erf 78 Kini Bay, 14 Seaway Drive. Prepared for the Kini Bay Ratepayers Assocition. 4 pp.

C97 BORNMAN, TG. 2004 Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 28 pp.

C96 KLAGES, NTW. 2004. Operation of a boat launching site at Main Beach, Jeffreys Bay. Prepared for Kouga Municipality. 38 pp.

C95 BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Vegetation Survey and Recommendations for rehabilitation of Hunters Estate (Phase IV), Knysna. Prepared for Bendigo Management (Pty) Ltd. 21 pp.

C94 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Bulk water upgrade Cannon Rocks. Prepared for P&S Consulting Engineers (for Ndlambe Municipality).35 pp.

C93 BORNMAN, TG. 2004 (January 2004). Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 22 pp.

C92 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Baseline Turbidity of Algoa Bay. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 13 pp.

C91 KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Baseline survey of marine invasive alien species off the Ngqura Port, Algoa Bay, South Africa. Prepared for International Maritime Organization. 18 pp.

C90 KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Environmental Scoping Report. Proposed outdoor adventure facility at the UPE campus boma. Prepared for UPE Academy of Sport. 15 pp.

C89 BORNMAN, TG. 2003. Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 22 pp.

C88 KLAGES, NTW, TOKOTA, B & DU PREEZ, DR. 2003. Lusikisiki natural resource reclamation. Community perceptions, Study and Botanical Evaluation. Prepared for Key Point Rural Development. 21 pp.

C87 KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Use of a vehicle on the beach at Sardinia Bay to operate a boat-launching site. Scoping report. Prepared for : Sardinia Bay Ski-Boat Club. 24 pp.

C86 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. (eds). 2003. Port of Ngqura Marine Biomonitoring Programme. Annual Report 2002 – 2003. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 65 pp.

C85 BORNMAN, TG. 2003 (July 2003) Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 25 pp.

C84 KLAGES, NTW & BORNMAN, TG. 2004. Upgrade of Kenton-on-Sea/Bushmansrivermouth Bulk Water Supply. Environmental Impact Report. Prepared for Albany Coast Water Board. 107 pp.

C83 KLAGES, NTW, BORNMAN, TG & LOGIE, C. 2003. Proposed St Francis Golf Estate Ecological Impact Assessment. Specialist report: Sensitivity of flora and fauna to disturbance. Prepared for SRK Consulting. 32 pp. plus addendum.

C82 BORNMAN, TG. 2003 (March 2003) Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 26 pp.

C81 BORNMAN, TG & KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Maitlands River Mouth Strategic Environmental Assessment. Prepared for the Nelson Madela Metropolitan Municipality. 84 pp.

C80 KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Vegetation sensitivity assessment of the proposed development at Candlewood Estate. Prepared for Grant Johnston Associates. 17 pp.

C79 BORNMAN, TG. 2003 (November 2002) Report on seawater quality in the port of Port Elizabeth. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 16 pp.

C78 STEYN, PP & KLAGES, NTW. 2003. Environmental Management Programme Report for Mooifontein Quarry. Prepared for Mr Andre Klopper. 81 pp.

C77 KLAGES, NTW. 2002. Environmental Management Programme Report for Ngqura Brick (Pty) Ltd. Prepared for Mr Opperman. 73 pp.

C76 KLAGES, NTW. 2002. Ecological assessment of the impacts on Bird Island of tourist helicopter flights. Prepared for M Spies, Bird Island Tours. 8 pp.

C75 CAMPBELL, EE, DAVIS, JS & WOOLDRIDGE, TH. 2001. The biota of newly installed solar saltworks at Tankatara, east of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Prepared for National Ingredient Supplies (Cerebos). 98 pp.

C74 KLAGES, NTW. 2002. Guidelines for the monitoring of seabirds on the islands of Algoa Bay. Prepared for Enviro-Fish Africa, Grahamstown. 7 pp.

C73b CAMPBELL, EE. 2002. Revegetation and alien weed eradiation plan for the transfer pipeline at the Aloes II landfill facility. Prepared for Enviroserv Waste Management (Pty) Ltd. 7 pp.

C73 NEWMAN, BK, CAMPBELL, EE & BATE, GC. 2001. EIA Leachate Storage Lagoon Construction and Associated Activities near the Waste-Tech Aloes site, Port Elizabeth. Prepared for Enviroserv Waste Management (Pty) Ltd. November 2001. 223 pp.

C72 KLAGES, NTW. 2002. Blasting noise management plan for the porposed Coega Port. Limiting impact on warmblooded marine animals. Prepared for National Ports Authority. 5 pp.

C71 CAMPBELL, EE. 2002. Vegetation survey, Gonubie. Prepared for G van Niekerk. 32 pp

C70 HALL, AR & KLAGES, NTW. 2002. Proposed Christian Centre development. Prepared for E Sandilands. 80 pp

C69 KLAGES, NTW, CAMPBELL, EE, SCHOEMAN, D & WOOLDRIDGE, TW. 2002. St Francis Bay beach erosion environmental impact assessment. Ecological impact assessment of the preferred technical alternatives (St Francis Groyne). Prepared for Kouga Municipality. 39 pp.

C68 HALL, AR & NEWMAN, BK. 2001. General Environmental Awareness Training. Prepared and Presented to SA Breweries, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth.

C67 CAMPBELL, EE. 2001. The vegetation of Portions 1/15,92,R16 and 17/1 of the farm Matjesfontein No. 304, Keurboomstrand, Plettenberg Bay. Assessment of conservation value and sensitivity. Prepared for Grant Johnson and Associates. 39 pp.

C66 NEWMAN, BK. (ed.) 2001. Marine baseline biomonitoring for the prosed Ngqura deepwater port development. Prepared for Coega Development Corporation, Port Elizabeth. 105 pp.

C65 NEWMAN, BK. (ed.) 2001. Pollution potential associated with discharge of leachate from the Waste-Tech Aloes site for the nearshore marine enviroment in the northwestern sector of Algoa Bay. Prepared for Waste-Tech Port Elizabeth. 124 pp.

C64 HALL, AR, CAMPBELL, EE. 2001. Environmental Mangement Programme (EMPR) for EP Brick cc. Prepared for EP Brick (Port Elizabeth). 132 pp.

C63 HALL, AR. 2001. Vegetation sensitivity survey of portion 57 of the farm Brakkloof no. 443, Plettenberg Bay. Prepared for Grant Johnson Associates. 23 pp.

C62 HALL, AR. 2001. Vegetation sensitivity survey of Dolphin Waves Development (Portion 12 of the farm Matjiesfontein No. 304) Plettenberg Bay. Prepared for Grant Johnson Associates. 23 pp.

C61 NEWMAN, BK. 2001. Blue Flag Status. Humewood Beach profiles, Port Elizabeth. (Prepared for PE Municipality). 15 pp.

C60a NEWMAN, BK. 2000. Wastewater Management and beneficiation construction treatment wetland project. Prepared for SA Breweries (Ibhayi Brewery) .71 pp.

C60 NEWMAN, BK. 2000. Environmental Management Programme (EMP) in support of an application for a proposed sand mining operation on the property Coegas River Mouth (303).

C59 ADAMS, JB, MUIR, D & NEWMAN, BK. 2000. Screening study on the salt marsh habitat around Thesen Island, Knysna. Report prepared for Chris Mulder & Associates Inc. 71 pp.

C58a NEWMAN, BK, BATE, GC & WATSON, J. 2000. Initial environmental review for five South African Breweries sites within the Eastern Cape Province. Prepared for SA Breweries. 38 pp.

C58 NEWMAN, BK. 2000. Environmental Issues pertinent to the construction of a small boat harbour on erf 53, Kromme estuary. 16 pp.

C57 NEWMAN, BK. 2000. Townhouse and Hotel development Erf 2369 St Francis Bay. 61 pp + maps.

C56 ELS, SF & WINTER, PED. 2000. Scoping report for proposed sewage system – Kenton-on-Sea. Unnumbered.

C55 SCHUMANN, EH & CAMPBELL, EE. 1999. The pollution status and assimilative capacity of the western sector of Algoa Bay. 106pp + Appendices + Addendum.

C54 NEWMAN, BK. 1999. Proposed student center development. Environmental Considerations. 25 pp.

C53 ELS, S & VAN DER MOLEN, J. 1999. Waste disposal site assessment – Nieu Bethesda. Unnumbered.

C52 BATE, GC & Botany Hons students. 1999. A due diligence assessment for the Port Elizabeth Brewery for the period September 1999 until decommissioning in 2000. Prepared for SA Breweries. 43 pp.

C51 BATE, GC. 1999. Despatch: Assessment of report for proposed new sand quarry. 8 pp.

C50 ADAMS, JB, BAIRD, D, BATE, GC, CALLAHAN, R, SCHARLER, U, SNOW, GC. STRYDOM, N, WHITFIELD, AK & WOOLDRIDGE, TH. 1999. The effect on the Kromme Estuary of a single freshwater release from the Mpofu Dam. 105 pp.

C49 BATE, GC. 1999. SA Breweries : Assessment of potential environmental impacts during operations at the Port Elizabeth Factory. 35 pp.

C48 SCHUMANN, EH & CLOETE, AE. 1999. Assessment of the suitability of a new dump site for dredged sediment from the PE Harbour. 5 pp.

C47 BATE, GC. 1999. The status of the foredunes at Erf 506, Cape St Francis. 13 pp.

C46 WOOLDRIDGE, TH, SCHUMANN, EH & GRAY, RRW. 1999. Sedimentation in the Kowie estuary: Feasibility of using ebb tidal flows to remove sediment build-up. unnumbered.

C45 FINCH, G, DU PREEZ, DR & BATE, GC. 1998 Vegetation assessment of the proposed casino site, Wells Estate. 19 pp.

C44 BATE, GC. 1998. Proposed site clearing at Blue Horizon Bay for the purpose of housing construction. 7 pp.

C43 CAMPBELL, EE, WATSON, JJ. 1998. Contribution to the Environmental management Plan for mining at Hougham Park, Skelmhoek and Grassridge. 27 pp.

C42 CAMPBELL, EE, WATSON, JJ. 1998. Biophysical environmental impact assessment of the proposed infrastructure at the Hougham Park, Skelmhoek and Grassridge mining areas. 24 pp.

C41 BATE, GC, WINTER, PED, BOOTH, PWK, FINCH, G. 1998. Final report on environmental impacts arising from the construction of a sewage sump near the mouth of the Kariega estuary. 23 pp.

C40 SCHUMANN, EH, CAMPBELL, EE, WOOLDRIDGE, TH, ROBERTSON, BL, McGWYNNE, LE. 1998. Environmental Impact Assessment for the sand bypass scheme proposed for the Port Elizabeth harbour. 40 pp + appendices

C40a BATE, GC. 1998. Recommendations for procedures that should be observed during the development of remainder of Erf 358, Gonubie. 10pp.

C39 ILLENBERGER, WK, SCHUMANN, EH, BAIRD, D. 1997. Monitoring of dredging in the Swartkops River. 22 pp.

C38 WOOLDRIDGE, TH, SCHUMANN, EH, ILLENBERGER, WK. 1997. Specialist studies for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Industrial Development Zone and the Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Coega harbour. Unnumbered.

C37 SCHUMANN, EH, DE RUYCK, A MC, ROHWER, HE. 1996. Potential environmental impact of the proposed Algorax silicon plant ocean outfall. 29 pp.

C36 McGWYNNE, LE, BATE, GC, LA COCK, G, BRANCH, W, ILLENBERGER, WK, ROBERTSON, BL. 1997. Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed casino development in the St George's Strand area, Port Elizabeth. 79 pp.

C35 McGWYNNE, LE, BATE, GC, ROBERTSON, BL, WOOLDRIDGE, TH, ADAMS, JB, CAMPBELL, EE & KERLEY, GIH. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed subdivision and re-zoning of remainder of Erf 358, Gonubie, East London. 211 pp.

C34. COETZEE, PS, WOOLDRIDGE, TH, KERLEY, GIH, CAMPBELL, EE, DE RUYCK, AMC, BOSHOFF, A, ADAMS, J, BATE, GC & McGWYNNE, LE. 1996. Proposed Eastern Cape zinc and phosphoric acid project: baseline report: ecological study for the Coega precinct. 105 pp.

C33 McGWYNNE, LE, KERLEY, GIH & CAMPBELL, EE. 1996. Proposed Eastern Cape zinc and phosphoric acid project: baseline report: ecological study for the Driftsands precinct. 34 pp.

C32 ROBERTSON, BL, BATE, GC, WOOLDRIDGE, TH, ADAMS, JB & SCHUMANN, EH 1996. An environmental impact assessment for the proposed housing development and small boat harbour at Pascoe Crescent and Eastern Lagoon, Port Alfred. 136 pp.

C31a BENTLEY, A & McGWYNNE, LE. 1996. The fauna and flora of the southern Transkei coastal belt. 64 pp.

C31 WOOLDRIDGE, T & McGWYNNE, LE. 1996. The estuarine environment. 91 pp.

C30 CAMPBELL, EE, BOOTH, P, ILLENBERGER, WK, ROSSOUW, G, & KERLEY, GIH 1995. Specialist reports on the vegetation & soils, geology, palaeontology and vertebrates of the proposed mining area on the farms Grassridge 190, 225 and 227 & 228. 58 pp.

C29 ROBERTSON, BL. 1995. Review of an application for the rezoning and subdivision of portion 6 of the farm Kabeljous 328. 15 pp.

C28 McLACHLAN, A. 1995. Zoning of Port Elizabeth beaches for use by vehicles. 10 pp.

C27. CAMPBELL, EE & SHONE, RW. 1994. Comment on the conservation value and human impact at a site at Schoenmakerskop proposed for development. 8 pp.

C26 McGWYNNE, LE. (ed). 1994. Biophysical assessment of the Summerstrand Hotel site. 30 pp.

C25 ILLENBERGER, WK & WOOLDRIDGE, TH. 1994. Biophysical impact of temporary earth berms for piling platforms, Tyolomnqa estuary. 6 pp.

C24 McGWYNNE, LE. (ed). 1994. Biophysical and recreational assessment for the proposal to mine Oudeboschkloof. 60 pp.

C23 McGWYNNE, LE. (ed). 1994. Biophysical and recreational assessment for the proposal to mine dunes at Schelm Hoek and Hougham Park. 112 pp.

C22 COETZEE, JJ & CAMPBELL, EE. 1993. Vegetation monitoring programme for the Colchester saltworks, May 1993 survey. 34 pp.

C21 BAIRD, D, MARAIS, JFK & ADAMS, J. 1993. Initial environmental assessment - public open space along the Krom River. 16 pp.

C20 ROBERTSON, BL & McLACHLAN, A. 1993. Integrated environmental management report for the development of a restaurant complex on the Octagon site on the Port Elizabeth beachfront. 55 pp.

C19 ROBERTSON, BL & COETZEE, PS. 1992. Impact of planned pier and launching facility on marine biota in the Beacon Point area of Algoa Bay. 15 pp.

C18 BATE, GC & McLACHLAN, A. 1992. Integrated Environmental Management Plan for the proposed extensions to the Fishwater Flats Water Reclamation Works. 117 pp.

C17 GRIERSON, DS. 1992. Vegetation monitoring programme - Colchester Saltworks. 32 pp.

C16 BAIRD, D, MARAIS, JFK & BATE, GC. 1992. An environmental analysis for the Kromme River area to asssist in the preparation of a structure plan. 56 pp.

C15 COCKCROFT, AC, KNOOP, WT, McLACHLAN, A, RUST, IC, SHONE, RW & SCHUMANN, EH. 1991. Environmental study: Octagon Restaurant Complex. 14 pp.

C14 BATE, GC, CAMPBELL, EE & DU PREEZ, DR. 1991. Report to the City Planner's Department City of Cape Town on `brown water' in False Bay. 13 pp.

C13 BATE, GC, CAMPBELL,EE, MARAIS, JFK, McLACHLAN, A, RUST, IC & WOOLDRIDGE, TH. 1991. Yellowwoods farm development - Study Phase 1: Ecological implications of the concept plan. 16 pp.

C12 SCHUMANN, EH. 1990. Dispersion of a heated, bouyant effluent in Port Elizabeth harbour. 30 pp.

C11 SCHUMANN, EH. 1990. Sea level variations along the Cape south coast. 6 pp.

C10 McGWYNNE, L. 1990. Synopsis of research reports and publications for the area Cape Recife to Sardinia Bay, Port Elizabeth. 27 pp.

C9 McLACHLAN, A & BATE, GC. 1990. Preliminary environmental report on the Bushy Park coastline with recommendations for the development of the area. 23 pp.

C8 BATE, GC & ILLENBERGER, WK. 1990. Guidelines for environmental management : erf 934 Amsterdamhoek, Port Elizabeth. 44 pp.

C7 LORD, DA, ROBERTSON, BLR, TALBOT MMB & PRESTEDGE,G. 1989. Blinder Island Causeway: Saldanha Bay - Environmental impact assessment. 50 pp.

C6 TALBOT, MMB & BATE, GC. 1989. Ecological sensitivity guidelines for development of the coastal site Bakanas X3 at Boknes, eastern Cape. 26 pp.

C5 TALBOT, MMB, ILLENBERGER, WK & LORD, DA. 1989. Shark Rock master plan: Proposed management of wind-blown sand. 26 pp + 20 Fig.

C4 ROBERTSON, BLR, COETZEE, PS, KNOOP, WT & MUNNIK, L. 1989. Report on inter- and subtidal biota of the proposed small-boat harbour site at Santereme Bay, Cape St Francis. 20 pp.

C3 LORD, D & TALBOT, MMB 1989. A preliminary assessment of the environmental sensitivity of the farm Palmiet, between Great Fish Point and the Palmiet river. 17 pp.

C2 BATE, GC & TALBOT, MMB. 1988. Blue Horizon Bay beachfront development. An environmental assessment and management proposals. 61 pp.

C1b ROBERTSON, BL, KERLEY, GIH, MCLACHLAN, A, MUNNIK, L, COETZEE, PS, Du PREEZ, W, TALBOT, M, BUXTON, C, ROSS, G, SMALL, M, LUBKE, RA & AVIS, AM. 1987 Report to Ekokonsult - Nuclear power site investigation, Phase II. Unnumbered.

C1a BAIRD, D, COETZEE, PS, DU PREEZ, W, DAVIDSON, I & TREGONING, C. 1986. A study of the macro-algal and macro-faunal communities of the inter- and subtidal regions at Gouriqua. 135 pp.

field research