Dr Alistair McInnes
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: alistair.mcinnes@birdlife.org.za
Research Interest(s): Natural Resource Management; Marine Biology; Ecology & Evolution; Biodiversity; Conservation; Software Development
Description of Research: Dr McInnes’ research interest is in solution-driven approaches to seabird conservation.
Dr Andréa Thiebault
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: andrea.thiebault@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Animal Behaviour; Animal Communications; Foraging Ecology; Movement Ecology; Statistical Modelling; Bioacoustics; Biologging; Seabirds
Description of Research: Dr Thiebault’s research considers various aspects of marine apex predator research. Her main focus is on the social interactions among foraging seabirds, contributing both to the advancement of fundamental research and to more informed management strategies for the conservation of vulnerable ecosystems.
Professor Bernadette (Berny) Snow
Affiliation: Adjunct Professor – CMR; Deputy Director for the One Ocea Hub at the University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)
Email Address: bernadette.snow@strath.ac.uk
Research Interest(s): Development Studies; Sustainability; Environmental Management; Society & Environment; Community Development; Climate Change Adaptation
Description of Research: Professor Snow's research considers socio-economic studies; pro-environmental behavious; world-views; connections to the ocean; sustainable and resilient coastal communities; integrated and dynamic ocean and coastal management; and water management. Her key focal area is social-ecological systems. She was the CMR Deputy Director in 2017, Acting Director in 2018, and Director for 2019 and 2020.
Dr Bianca Currie
Affiliation: Research Associate - Sustainability Research Unit (SRU)
Email Address: admin@gardenroutebiosphere.org
Research Interest(s): Adaptive Management; Social Learning; Social-Ecological Systems; Sustainable Development; Community Engagement
Description of Research: Dr Currie has an interest in facilitating social learning in public participation processes and developing social learning assessment tools. Her work involves participative mapping and the comparison of cultural ecosystem services, exploring the value of stakeholders in research, and coastal living for future initiatives.
Dr Brent Newman
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Principal Scientist – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Email Address: bnewman@csir.co.za
Research Interest(s): Marine and Coastal Ecology & Biodiversity; Ecological Monitoring; Water Quality; Marine Pollution; Geochemistry; Toxicity; Crustaceans
Description of Research: Dr Newman's work focuses on environmental chemistry and toxicology, including: water and sediment chemistry; water and whole sediment toxicity testing; and human health risk. He develops models to determine if sediment in South African coastal waters is contaminated by various metals. He performs human health risk assessments based on exposure to chemicals/contaminants in marine and estuarine fish and shellfish. He maintains an active interest in crustacean research.
Dr Chijioke Olisah
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Shallow Water Ecosystems Research Chair
Email Address: olisah.chijioke@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Chromatography; Mass Spectrometry; Chemical Analysis; Analytical Method Development
Description of Research: Dr Olisah's research is in the field of analytical marine chemistry. He is involved in monitoring, health implications and ecological risk assessments in the marine environment, with a special interest in estuaries.
Dr Christo Rautenbach
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (New Zealand)
Email Address: rautenbachchristo@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Physical Oceanography; Coastal Processes; Numerical Modelling; Computational Fluid Mechanics; Hydrodynamics
Description of Research: Dr Rautenbach's research focus is on fluid dynamics, coastal sediment studies, and morphology and coastal vulnerability assessments. He also investigates regional wave, tide and storm surge forecasting.
Professor Christo Fabricius
Affiliation: Research Associate – Sustainability Research Unit (SRU); Capacity for African Resource Management
Email Address: christo.fabricius@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Communities; Land/Seascapes and Livelihoods; Systems Ecology; Invasive Species; Monitoring & Evaluation
Description of Research: Professor Frabricius’ work focuses on community-based natural resource management. He investigates human dimensions of wildlife, adaptive management, developmental monitoring, and evaluation in African social-ecological systems, helping conservation agencies, communities and managers to make evidence-based decisions about sustainable natural resource use and management.
Dr David Kaplan
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD; France)
Email Address: david.kaplan@ird.fr
Research Interest(s): Marine Protected Areas; Marine Spatial Planning; Population Dynamics of Marine Species; Meta-Population Modelling; Coastal Oceanography
Description of Research: Dr Kaplan’s research focuses on assessing the effects of different forms of spatial and non-spatial fisheries management on marine populations. He investigates how marine spatial management relates to sustainability, conservation, and community structure.
Dr Derek du Preez
Affiliation: Research Associate - Department of Botany
Email Address: derek.dupreez@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Botany; Photosynthesis; Phycology; Water Stress; Abiotic Stress; Nitrate; GIS
Description of Research: Dr Du Preez focuses on phytoplankton biodiversity, taxonomy, and harmful algal blooms in the Algoa Bay region, as well as the biology and physiology of surf-zone diatoms.
Dr Dylan Bailey
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Aquarium Operations Curator – Bayworld
Email Address: dylan.bailey@bayworldoceanarium.com
Research Interest(s): Oceanography; Numerical Modelling; Aquarium Management
Description of Research: Dr Bailey's research focuses on ocean dynamics of the shelfs and bays of the Eastern Ahulhas Bank. He investigates the effects of climate change on various marine species, the effects of the Agulhas Current on sea bottom temperatures, and the effects of coastal trapped waves along the coast.
Dr Eckart Schumann
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Geosciences
Email Address: eckarts@mweb.co.za
Research Interest(s): Coastal & Physical Oceanography; Hydrology; Shoreline Sedimentation; Ocean Energy; Weather and Climate; Estuarine Hydrodynamics
Description of Research: Dr Schumann’s research focuses on the physical oceanography of coastal processes, and he has an interest in estuarine dynamics, shoreline sedimentation and weather, climate and ocean energy.
Dr Elena Perez-Alvaro
Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Email Address: elenaperezalvaro@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Underwater Cultural Heritage; Indigenous & Gender Studies
Description of Research: Dr Perez-Alvaro’s research focuses on ethics, laws and politics of cultural heritage, uses and valuation of underwater cultural heritage, protection of cultural heritage from climate change, enhancement of intangible heritage, the relationship between natural and cultural heritage, human rights and cultural heritage, sustainable management of coastal heritages, and cultural heritage of indigenous communities.
Dr Emma Rocke
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Junior Research Fellow – University of Cape Town
Email Address: erocke@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Marine Microbiome; Upwelling Ecosystems; Phytoplankton Ecology and Phylogeny; Marine Hypoxia
Description of Research: Dr Rocke is a marine microbiologist with a particular interest in microbial community dynamics in ocean ecosystems. She strives for a holistic approach to answering scientific questions through collaborations with microbiologists, ecologists, engineers and physical oceanographers. Dr Rocke has spent the last 8 years focusing on the Southern Benguela Upwelling region as well as the Agulhas Bank, with a specific focus on how the resident microbial community is affecting critical nutrient cycling here.
Dr Ernita Flynn
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Email Address: ernita.van.wyk@iclei.org
Research Interest(s): Social-Ecological Systems; Ecosystem Services; Natural Resource Management & Governance
Description of Research: Dr Flynn's research interests are in the fields of invasive species, adaptive management, biodiversity mainstreaming, and environmental stewardship. She applies social-ecological systems understanding across a variety of ecosystems and contexts.
Dr Errol Wiles
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Geophysics Instrument Scientist – South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)
Email Address: ea.wiles@saiab.nrf.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Geology; Geomorphology; Sedimentology; Geological Processes; Links between Geomorphology; Marine Habitat; Biology & Biodiversity
Description of Research: Dr Wiles' research focuses on understanding the geology and geomorphology of the coastal and deep marine waters with particular interest in coastal hazards and sediment transport, and the relationship between geomorphological habitat and biodiversity. In addition to research, he manages the ACEP Geophysics and Mapping Platform; the only competitively awarded research platform in South Africa.
Dr Estee Miltz
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Policy Development Analyst – Millennium Institute
Email Address: esteever01@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): System Dynamics Modelling; Systems Thinking; Integrated Ocean Management; Marine Spatial Planning; Complex Systems; Social-ecological Systems; Marine Ecosystem Service Accounting
Description of Research: Dr Miltz’s research focuses on applying systems thinking and system dynamics modelling to integrated ocean management and sustainability applications.
Dr Gavin Snow
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: estuarysnow@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Water Quality; Marine & Ecosystem Ecology; Environmental Science
Description of Research: Dr Snow's research involves balancing the use of water as a resource to support economic and social development, and the sustainable use of source ecosystems. His work relates microalgae to environmental conditions of freshwater, coastal, and marine environments.
Dr Greg Hofmeyr
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology; Curator - Marine Mammal Collection, Port Elizabeth Museum at Bayworld
Email Address: greghofmeyr@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Marine Ecology; Conservation Biology; Animal Behaviour
Description of Research: Dr Hofmeyr's research encompasses the ecology, morphology and taxonomy of marine mammals with a special interest in pinnipeds. He manages marine mammal stranding response along the Eastern and Southern Cape coastline.
Professor Guy Bate
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Botany
Email Address: Guy.Bate@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine & Coastal Ecology; Water Quality; Biogeochemistry
Description of Research: Professor Bate's research focus is on water quality in the coastal zone, with a special interest in estuaries.
Dr Gwenith (Gwen) Penry
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: gwenith.penry@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Mammals; Conservation Biology; Wildlife Ecology; Marine Tourism; Large Whale Entanglements
Description of Research: Dr Penry's research fields are in zoology, ecology and conservation, specialising on the South African Bryde’s whale. Recent work involved research to mitigate whale entanglements and marine tourism sustainability. She is a member of the SA Marine Mammal Technical & Scientific working group, the South African humpback dolphin consortium (SouSA), and the IndoCet Consortium (Indian Ocean Cetacean Research).
Dr Hashali Hamukuaya
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: hashali.hamukuaya1@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Fisheries Sciences; Marine Ecology; Marine Environment
Description of Research: Dr Hamukuaya's current research focus is on ocean governance, blue economy, ecosystem-based management, fisheries management, and strategic planning.
Dr Hayley Cawthra
Affiliation: Research Associate – African Centre for Coastal Palaeoscience (ACCP); Senior Scientist – Remote Sensing Unit of the Council for Geoscience
Email Address: cawthra.h@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Geology; Sedimentology; Palaeoclimatology; Marine Geoscience; Submerged Landscapes
Description of Research: Dr Cawthra's research focus is on marine geophysics, Quaternary sea-level change, human use of ancient coastlines, and the emergence of palaeoenvironments through changing climate regimes on continental shelves.
Dr Jai Clifford-Holmes
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: jai.clifford.holmes@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Water Resource Science
Description of Research: Dr Clifford-Holmes' work focuses on complex social-ecological systems, and system dynamics modelling.
Dr Jacqueline Raw
Affiliation: Research Associate - CMR
Email Address: jackie.raw33@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Blue Carbon; Coastal Ecology; Climate Change Mitigation; Adaptation; Nature-based Solutions
Description of Research: Dr Raw’s work focuses on the quantification of blue carbon and teal carbon stocks in South Africa, modelling the effect of climate change on blue carbon ecosystems in South Africa, and assessing the role of blue carbon ecosystems as nature-based solutions to climate mitigation and adaptation targets at the global scale.
Dr Jean Harris
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Leader – WILDOCEANS Programme of the WILDTRUST
Email Address: jeanh@wildtrust.co.za
Research Interest(s): Fisheries; Marine Ecology; Marine Biodiversity; Conservation Biology; Coastal Ecology
Description of Research: Dr Harris' work focuses on biodiversity, conservation, and environmental management, including marine protected areas.
Dr Jennifer Olbers
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Senior Marine Scientist – WILDOCEANS Programme of the WILDTRUST
Email Address: jennifer@wildtrust.co.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Biodiversity; Marine Conservation
Description of Research: Dr Olbers’ research focus is on adapting various marine conservation practices through legislation and policy while supporting improved governance, law enforcement and compliance.
Professor Julien Pétillon
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Deputy Director Eco-Evo Department – University of Rennes
Email Address: julien.petillon@univ-rennes1.fr
Research Interest(s): Salt Marsh Functioning & Conservation; Spider Biology; Taxonomy; Ecology & Evolution
Description of Research: Professor Pétillon’s specialist field is evolutionary ecology. He has expertise in salt marsh research, ranging from the impact of invasive plant and invertebrate species, to the biology of invertebrates inhabiting these systems.
Professor Juliet Hermes
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR; Manager – South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) Egagasini Node
Email Address: juliet@saeon.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Oceanography; Ocean Modelling; Climate
Description of Research: Professor Hermes' work involves a transdisciplinary approach to marine science, strategic project development, regional and international collaborations, and capacity development. She researches benthic biodiversity, habitat mapping, physical oceanography, air-sea interactions, the Blue Economy, the impact of climate change on fisheries, and the local ecological knowledge of fishing communities, amongst others.
Professor Kerry Sink
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR; Marine Programme Manager – South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
Email Address: k.sink@sanbi.org.za
Research Interest(s): Biodiversity Assessment; Marine Biology; Natural Resource Management; Marine Protected Areas; Conservation
Description of Research: Professor Sink leads the marine component of the National Biodiversity Assessment and technical work to design and implement Marine Protected Areas. She is engaged in transdisciplinary work and supports spatial planning, governance, policy development and management in the marine environment.
Professor Lara van Niekerk
Affiliation: Visiting Professor – CMR; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Email Address: lvnieker@csir.co.za
Research Interest(s): Water Resource Management; Hydrological Modelling; Environmental Analysis; Estuarine Ecology
Description of Research: Professor Van Niekerk's research investigates ecological flow requirement methods, and the strategic and operational policies and legislation required for effectively managing South Africa's estuaries.
Dr Linda Harris
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: Linda.Harris2@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Coastal & Marine Ecology; Sandy Beaches; Systematic Conservation Planning; Marine Spatial Planning; Biodiversity Assessment & Prioritisation; Spatial Ecology & Conservation; Movement Ecology; Sea Turtles; Climate Change
Description of Research: Dr Harris' research focus is currently on various aspects of coastal and marine ecology, biodiversity assessment, and spatial prioritisation including systematic conservation planning and marine spatial planning. Areas of work range from fine-scale local planning to regional planning for implementation, with a special interest in sandy beaches and robust inclusion of the land-sea interface in biodiversity conservation and management processes.
Professor Lorien Pichegru
Affiliation: Adjunct Professor – CMR; CMR Acting Director (February 2021 – June 2023)
Email Address: Lorien.Pichegru@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Biodiversity & Conservation; Endangered Species; Climate Change
Description of Research: Professor Pichegru's research focus is on seabird foraging ecology and life history traits in relation to prey availability and local competition with industrial fisheries. She is involved in marine waste initiatives and is active in public and community engagement.
Dr Lucienne Human
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Manager – Biochemistry Laboratory at the South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) Elwandle Coastal Node
Email Address: lucienne.human@saeon.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Ecophysiology; Water Quality; Estuarine Science; Eutrophication; Nutrient Analysis & Cycling
Description of Research: Dr Human studies various aspects of estuarine, salt marsh and microbial ecosystems, including: green tides; Blue Carbon stocks; heavy-metal bio-availability; and seascapes of fish nursery areas, amongst others.
Dr Maëlle Connan
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology
Email Address: maelle.connan@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Marine Biology; Stable Isotopes; Lipids; Conservation Biology; Ecology; Biogeochemistry
Description of Research: Dr Connan specializes in studying the trophic ecology of marine top predators in the sub-Antarctic and southern African coast. Her latest research also focuses on avian scavenger ecology in the sub-Antarctic and a digression to marine pollution.
Dr Malcolm Smale
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: mjsmale1@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Ecology; Biodiversity & Conservation; Population Genetics
Description of Research: Dr Smale's research interests are in the biology and feeding ecology of marine apex predators, with a specific focus on sharks.
Dr Margaux Noyon
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: margaux.noyon@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Biological Oceanography; Marine Ecology; Biogeochemistry
Description of Research: Dr Noyon's research interest is in plankton ecology, ecosystem functioning, and physical-biological coupling. She has worked in diverse marine environments, from the open ocean to shelf seas, with an emphasis on meso- and sub-mesoscale structures.
Professor Matt Dicken
Affiliation: Adjunct Professor – CMR; Head of Research at the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board; Visiting Researcher at the School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
Email Address: matt@shark.co.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Apex Predators with a Focus on Sharks; Marine Tourism and Development; Conservation Biology; Fisheries Management
Description of Research: Professor Dicken is involved in various aspects of marine apex predator research, including (amongst others): better understanding the movement and residency patterns of sharks, the prevention of shark attack and the development of non-consumptive marine tourism activities.
Dr Myriam Perschke
Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – Department of Oceanography
Email Address: M.Perschke@posteo.de
Research Interest(s): Coastal Ecological Infrastructure; Coastal Culturally Significant Areas; Coastal Ecosystem Services; Systematic Conservation Planning
Description of Research: Dr Perschke’s research focuses on the mapping and integration coastal ecosystem services into systematic conservation planning using the Ecological Infrastructure concept as a framework. Her works also investigates the mapping and identification of Culturally Significant Areas along the South African Coast.
Dr Nelson Miranda
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology
Email Address: mirandanaf@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Invasive Species; Ecology; Water Quality; Climate Change
Description of Research: Dr Miranda's work in coastal aquatic environments focuses on invertebrates, algae, and alien invasive species in southern Africa and the South-Western Indian Ocean region.
Professor Nicola (Nikki) James
Affiliation: Visiting Professor – CMR; Senior Aquatic Biologist – South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)
Email Address: nc.james@saiab.nrf.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Global and Climate Change Biology; Estuarine and Coastal Fish Ecology
Description of Research: Professor James' research focuses primarily on the effects of global and climate change on coastal and estuarine fishes, as well as the importance of different coastal habitats as nursery areas for juvenile marine fishes within shallow-water seascapes.
Dr Nina Rivers
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – One Ocean Hub (OOH)/Strathclyde University; Marine Spatial Planning Research Chair
Email Address: nina.rivers@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Anthropology; Integrated Ocean Management; Knowledge Integration; Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement Processes; Environmental Education; Social Learning
Description of Research: Dr Rivers' research investigates the integration of different knowledge systems such as indigenous local knowledge into current ocean and coastal area-based management frameworks like marine spatial planning. Her work also considers inclusive and sustainable stakeholder engagement processes in ocean governance contexts. Other research interests include social learning, socio-ecological systems, and the sociocultural and historical factors that mediate people’s use and management of the oceans and coasts.
Dr Olivier Bousquet
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Director of Research – French Ministry of Sustainable Development (MTES); Expertise France under the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Email Address: olivier.bousquet@expertisefrance.fr
Research Interest(s): Atmospheric & Oceanic Observation and Modelling; Tropical Cyclones; Marine Ecology
Description of Research: Dr Bousquet's work focuses on atmospheric and oceanic observations. He designs and manages international research projects that consider tropical cyclones, ocean sciences, and climate change. Dr Bousquet is hosted by the CMR as a Research and Project Manager during 2021 for research and funding development.
Dr Patrick Vianello
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR
Email Address: patrick.vianello2@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Physical Oceanography; Data Analysis
Description of Research: Dr Vianello’s work focuses on oceanography in the Southwest Indian Ocean Region, making use of various advanced computer programming languages.
Professor Peter Jones
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR; University College London (United Kingdom)
Email Address: p.j.jones@ucl.ac.uk
Research Interest(s): Ocean Governance; Policy
Description of Research: Professor Jones' research focus is on natural resource governance, including the governance of marine protected areas and marine spatial planning.
Professor Renzo Perissinotto
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR
Email Address: renzo.perissinotto@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Shallow Water Ecosystems; Estuaries; Taxonomy
Description of Research: Professor Perissinotto's research focus is on the ecophysiology and taxonomy of invertebrates, with a special interest in beetles. He investigates the ecosystem functioning and biodiversity of estuarine and microbialite systems.
Professor Richard Barnes
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR
Email Address: rsb1001@cam.ac.uk
Research Interest(s): Biology of Coastal and Brackish Lagoons; Estuaries; Semi-Enclosed Bays and Similar Paralic Systems that Support Seagrass Beds or Mangroves
Description of Research: Professor Barnes' research concerns how and why the ecological structure of the assemblages of animal species in the above-mentioned habitats — their macroecological features of biodiversity, abundance, patchiness and species composition — vary across small-scale space, and how these change across latitudes. Other research interests have included the ecology of the dominant microgastropods and macrophthalmid crabs in these habitats.
Professor Richard Cowling
Affiliation: Emeritus Professor – Department of Botany
Email Address: Richard.Cowling@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Ecology; Evolution; Conservation
Description of Research: Professor Cowling's research focuses on the ecology, evolution and conservation of the Fynbos, Succulent Karoo, and Subtropical Thicket Biomes.
Professor Ronel Nel
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology
Email Address: ronel.nel@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Sea Turtle Ecology & Conservation; Sandy Beach Ecology; Coastal Zone Management
Description of Research: Professor Nel's research focuses on various aspects of sea turtle ecology and conservation. She has an interest in sandy beach ecology and coastal zone management.
Dr Shaun Deyzel
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Science and Data Coordinator – South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) Elwandle Coastal Node
Email Address: hp.deyzel@saeon.nrf.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Ecology; Biological Oceanography; Plankton Dynamics; Ocean Observation & LTER; Data Science
Description of Research: Dr Deyzel's work investigates coastal and estuarine ecosystems with a focus on oceanography, plankton ecology, zooplankton community dynamics, climate change responses, ocean observation technologies, and information systems.
Dr Shirley Parker-Nance
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Researcher – South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) Elwandle Coastal Node
Email Address: s.parkernance@saeon.nrf.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Taxonomy; Conservation; Marine Biodiversity; Ecosystem Ecology; Invertebrate Zoology; Scientific Diving; Benthic Ecology; Fish Population Dynamics
Description of Research: Dr Parker-Nance's research focuses on subtidal reef mapping, and ascidian and benthic invertebrate taxonomy. She constructs user-friendly species databases to promote public awareness for the conservation of marine habitats.
Dr Sibusisiwe Ngqulana
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Collection Manager - Marine Mammal Collection, Port Elizabeth Museum at Bayworld
Email Address: ngqulanas@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Zoology
Description of Research: Dr Ngqulana's research interests are the taxonomy, morphology and genetics of marine mammals. She undertakes marine mammal stranding response along the Eastern and Southern Cape coastline.
Dr Stephen Holness
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology
Email Address: S.Holness@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Systematic Conservation Planning; Spatial Biodiversity Assessment; Marine & Protected Area Planning; Climate Change Assessment & Planning
Description of Research: Dr Holness' research considers various aspects of systematic and conservation planning. His work focuses on assisting the Benguela Current Commission and its member states (Angola; Namibia; South Africa) to better define their Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) and incorporate these into appropriate marine spatial planning and other planning and implementation processes. He also provides support for various sub-Saharan countries on systematic conservation planning, land use planning, and protected area expansion and management planning.
Dr Stephen (Steve) Kirkman
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Specialist Scientist – Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
Email Address: spkirkman@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Marine & Wildlife Ecology; Biodiversity & Conservation; Evolution; Natural Resource Management
Description of Research: Dr Kirkman's research focus is on the ecology of marine apex predators, understanding responses of marine ecosystems to global changes, the relevance to achieving biodiversity targets, and ethics in research and the management of marine animals.
Professor Stephen Lamberth
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR; Scientist – Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
Email Address: slamberth@dffe.gov.za
Research Interest(s): Fish and Invertebrate Biology and Ecology; Nearshore and Estuarine Ecosystems; Environmental Flows and Fisheries; Biodiversity Planning and Management; Resource Economics; Policies; Fisheries and Biodiversity Compliance Support; Fisheries Management; Climate Change Impacts and Management
Description of Research: Professor Lamberth’s research includes environmental flows and fisheries, biodiversity planning, resource economics, fishery surveys, policies, fisheries management, and climate change impacts and management. He is also involved with fisheries and biodiversity compliance support, development of rapid fish and invertebrate identification methods for DFFE, SARS (Customs), SAPS and national & regional conservation authorities.
Professor Susan Taljaard
Affiliation: Adjunct Professor – CMR; Principal Researcher – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Email Address: STaljaar@csir.co.za
Research Interest(s): Water Quality; Coastal Systems
Description of Research: Professor Taljaard investigates biogeochemical characteristics and processes in coastal systems (including estuaries) and responses to global change pressures. She develops integrated coastal management plans and best practice guidelines, and she is involved in the application of policies and methods linked to the effective management of estuaries.
Dr Taryn Riddin
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Botany
Email Address: taryn.riddin@live.co.za
Research Interest(s): Marine, Coastal & Aquatic Ecology; Sediments; Hydrology; Biodiversity & Conservation
Description of Research: Dr Riddin's work focuses on marine conservation planning and coastal processes, with a particular interest in estuaries.
Professor Thomas (Tommy) Bornman
Affiliation: Honorary Professor – CMR; Manager – South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) Elwandle Coastal Node & Shallow Marine and Coastal Research Infrastructure (SMCRI)
Email Address: tg.bornman@saeon.nrf.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Ecology & Biology; Biological Oceanography; Estuaries; Rivers; Hydrology; Rainfall
Description of Research: Professor Bornman's research interest is in the ecology of coastal and offshore marine plants and protists. He is involved in coastal diatom biogeography, phytoplankton ecology (coastal; marine; Southern Ocean and Antarctica), drivers of environmental change (sea-level; temperature; pollution etc.) and long-term coastal observations.
Professor Tris Wooldridge
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology
Email Address: Tris.Wooldridge@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Ecology; Estuaries; Phytoplankton; Marine Crustaceans; Water Quality; Distribution; Microalgae
Description of Research: Professor Wooldridge investigates zooplankton, phytoplankton and invertebrates in coastal systems. He is involved in estuarine and river mouth management planning.
Dr Vic Cockcroft
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Zoology
Email Address: dugongsorg@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Marine Biology; Marine Mammals
Description of Research: Dr Cockcroft focuses on various aspects of marine mammal research, ranging from abundance and distribution, to the assessment of status, threats and management. He is involved in environmental conservation.
Dr Victoria Goodall
Affiliation: Research Associate – Department of Statistics
Email Address: Victoria.Goodall@mandela.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Statistical Ecology; Animal Movement Modelling
Description of Research: Dr Goodall's research focus is on statistical ecology. Her work uses statistical approaches for tracking animal movement and remote sensing. She is involved in marine protected area research.
Professor Warren Potts
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; Rhodes University
Email Address: w.potts@ru.ac.za
Research Interest(s): Marine Protected Areas; Marine Biology; Climate Change; Fisheries Management; Fisheries Ecology & Science; Social-Ecological Systems
Description of Research: Professor Potts’ research examines and predicts the responses of coastal fishes to climate change, and the understanding of the synergistic impacts between exploitation and climate change. His findings are contextualised in recreational fisheries, where he promotes the strengthening of governance, from policy to voluntary institutions. He employs a range of techniques to improve the environmental behavious of anglers.
Dr Wessel (Chris) Oosthuizen
Affiliation: Research Associate – CMR; University of Cape Town
Email Address: w.chris.oosthuizen@gmail.com
Research Interest(s): Zoology; Ecology
Description of Research: Dr Oosthuizen's work focuses on marine predator ecology, and statistical ecology.