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Watch all the presentations from the meeting playlist below, or scroll down to view a specific presentation. Note that some presentations are split into two parts (owing to upload restrictions). All presentation slides are available for download from the sidebar as pdfs, and as a zip file of all presentations. The meeting agenda is also available for download.


Playlist: play all presentations from the meeting consecutively


01. Welcome, highlighting the importance of the MSP process and South Africa’s international commitment to increasing MPA estate

- Judy Beaumont


02. Marine Spatial Planning. Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy

- Moses Ramakulukusha


03. The need for a clear set of marine spatial biodiversity priorities for inclusion into MSP, and options for securing spatial priorities through place-based measures

- Stephen Kirkman


04. Lessons from the Offshore Environment Forum and the Phakisa MPA consultations: the value of a robust, inclusive and iterative consultation process

- Kerry Sink


05. Building a coherent set of marine spatial biodiversity priorities for inclusion into MSP

- Stephen Holness


06. Overview of the science underpinning the approach, with a focus on relevant components of the National Biodiversity Assessment 2018

- Prideel Majiedt


07. Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) in South Africa Recap: EBSA identification and updates

- Stephen Kirkman


08. Overview of the underlying concepts of systematic planning: irreplaceability, best design, and conflict avoidance

- Linda Harris


09. The EBSA zoning and management recommendations, process to date and feedback on initial engagements on the EBSA zoning and CBAs

- Stephen Holness


10. The National Coastal and Marine Spatial Biodiversity Plan: Map of Critical Biodiversity Areas & Ecological Support Areas & Sea-Use Guidelines Version 1 (Beta1)

- Jeffrey Manuel and Linda Harris